How It Began
Empowering Indy is a nonprofit that was developed as a response to the tremendous growth of the annual charity event, The Christmas Experience. The Christmas Experience began in 2010 after becoming aware that many families were struggling to provide Christmas for their families at home. That year, 24 children and their families received support.
Over the years, the event has grown consistently. Word has spread through the east and southeast communities of Indianapolis to the point where the Christmas Experience team no longer has to seek out families to invite – families in need are now referred to the organization and go through a vetting process to verify and confirm their need. Guests of the Christmas Experience receive free shoes and toys, access to a food pantry and additional resources such as local community centers and child support services. In 2023, 290 families and 987 children were guests of the Christmas Experience, and approximately $50,000 worth of merchandise was “sold” at no charge to these families.
Empowering Indy supports families in Indianapolis and surrounding cities to create a more stable, healthy community by connecting them to available resources that help make a long-term difference in their lives, helping to position them for success.
Our vision is to create stronger families and a better community by connecting families to valuable resources that meet tangible needs.
Statement of Faith
Empowering Indy, Inc, is a faith-based organization that believes in making an impact on Indianapolis families by aligning our mission with the inspired and infallible Word of God (Matthew 25:34-46). We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus to empower families to be more successful.
We believe that lives are transformed by experiencing the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we aim to share the love of Christ with families by providing them with opportunities to feel His love while meeting their tangible needs (Mark 10:45, Acts 20:28).
Our Mission
Empowering Indy supports families in central Indiana by connecting them to valuable resources.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower families to be better equipped to strengthen their community.
Diversity & Inclusion
We are committed to creating and developing a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion by understanding that every family is valued and supported. Our team is committed to ensuring that all families have equitable access to every resource that will assist them in breaking down financial barriers in order to accomplish their goals.
Statement Of Faith
Empowering Indy, Inc. is a faith-based organization dedicated to reaching Indianapolis families by aligning our mission with the inspired and infallible Word of God (Matthew 25:34-46).
We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus to empower families to be more successful.
We believe that lives are transformed by experiencing the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we aim to share the love of Christ with families by providing them with opportunities to feel His love while meeting their tangible needs (Mark 10:45, Acts 20:28).
Leadership Team
The Empowering Indy team is made up of countless volunteers and community members who are passionate about serving Indianapolis families in need. Because our team is ever-growing and changing, it's simply not possible to recognize each individual who contributes to the success of our program each and every year. If you have questions or would like to make a contribution to Empowering Indy, we encourage and welcome you to get in touch with us!
Thank you for your continued support.